Completed Projects

OSF helps the needy communities across India through projects that aims to relieve the hardship of people. Calamity relief, academics, social upliftment, agriculture and healthcare are the prime themes we work on the short one-time assignments.
Hope in sight

Natpurwa in Uttar Pradesh is known for the wrong moral reasons, an ongoing practice and survival option for many generations. There are welcome changes off-late led by those coming out of the trade. The village Pradhan reflects the will and wish of a large majority who desires a different, bright and healthy future for their children. On request from the village, OSF is assisting with the provision of education resources for children. A regular contact program is also on to encourage them to learn. Other learning resources are also being provided on a regular basis.
- Locations - Natpurwa in Uttar Pradesh
- Reach - 200 children
Help indeed

Farmers rely on local money lenders for their immediate cash requirements for field inputs, irrigation facilities and other home needs which often comes at a huge cost. OSF team took note of the situation. We disburse farm loans at zero interest to the select needy farmers in the area. The capital on repayment will be redeployed for other farmers in a specific area. Those who availed the loans have used the amount to construct vermicompost tanks, buy foot-pumps to lift water from streams and wells in fields that are far from the electric line.
- Location - Narayanpatna block in Koraput, Odisha
Guide to Thrive

As a practice crop-waste, tree and shrub burning for slash-burn cultivation are carried out by many as it ensures a quick farm-turnaround and yields ash. To dissuade this nature-harsh tradition, we educated farmers on productive use of crop wastes for Vermicomposting, mulching and taught them to set-up vermi-beds using animal dung, dry & green matter. In another event, we demonstrated the benefits of farming through minimal tilling and steps for enhanced water retention in the fields. Follow-up is ongoing.
- Locations - Lakhsmipur, Narayanpatna
- Reach - 40 farmers
Net Profits

Mosquito nets were provided to the poor families in a few villages of N. Lakhimpur, Assam. Heavy showers and wet conditions makes the place mosquito infested, wherein people are exposed to the threats of Malaria, Chikungunia, Dengue, Filariasis etc. We identified families who were unable to replace their damaged mosquito nets, basically those who experienced livelihood-loss owing to Covid lockdown. This timely intervention by OSF was executed by local volunteers and it was launched by the Panchayat President.
- Location - N Lakhimpur villages, Assam
- Reach - 300 families
Covid19 Relief

An emergency relief project commenced in March 2020 to help the daily wage earning group who are the most affected due to the Covid19 lockdown. OSF has launched this to provide essential food and hygiene provisions for survival. Projects have been executed and completed in various locations. In other areas it is ongoing.
- Locations - 10 States
- Impact - 18000 lives
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"What Next"

A career guidance program for junior college students done in Feb 2020. The purpose was to introduce them to higher studies options they can choose from, key institutions in India, how to apply for admissions, making career choices, selecting vocations, employment options for the future.
- Location - Srikakulam Dist
- Impact - 80 students
Sports Kits

An OSF program targetted to improve school attendance in remote areas where there is luke-warm interest in academics. Availability of sports gear provides ample scope for relaxation, recreation and team building. It’s an avenue to introduce modern games in primary and middle schools where such infrastructure does not exist.
- Locations - Koraput, Odisha
- Impact - 30 children
Platform Scales

Farmers get cheated by unscrupulous middlemen who use tampered weighing machines. This affects the farmers’ income, most of whom in this case were illiterate. OSF intervened by giving weighing machines to 2 SHGs. The resultant impact has been huge and the middlemen now go by the accurate weight of the OSF-donated machines.
- Location - Koraput Dist, Odisha
- Reaches 450 farmers. A farmer saves Rs.50-100 / week.
- Know More Here
Handy Lights

Walking outside houses in late evenings and power-outages can be dangerous, insect/animal attacks.
Hence torchlights were distributed to a village. Also to encourage these villagers to be 100% literate through the “Darkness to Light” analogy. The distribution was done in Dec 2019.
- Location - Odiapenta, Koraput, Odisha
- Impact - 43 families
Edukits-tribal area

Academic achievement in not recognised as a prime need in many tribal belts. School absence levels are high.
To such schools in the Koraput tribal belt, School Kits were given to incentivize children to regular attendence and studies. School authorities in the area felt the need for such initiatives to encourage children.
- Location - Koraput Dist, Odisha
- Impact - 770 children
School Kits for flood victims

For children impacted by 2018 floods in Kerala, India (Wayanad, Pathanamthitta and Trivandrum Dist.).
Children of affected families were identified with the help of the local school authorities and supported with essential educational materials.
- Multiple Locations in Kerala
- Impacted - 3530 children
- Know More Here
Education Kits for remote areas

We identified a dry, arid remote area in AP where the children needed support. The project’s aim (done in 2019) was to convey the significance of academic achievement and help the poor who can’t afford the basic necessities for schooling. To encourage children in academics we have provided exam kits in a large village in Tamilnadu
- Location - Malayannur, AP (School Kits)
- Impact - 330 children
- Location - Tiruvellore, Tamilnadu (exam kits). Coverage 550 children.

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