Asu, a farmer from Pipalpadar village of Koraput District, aged about 45 was suffering from body pain and fever for two days. He came to know about OSF’s AMP (Aarogya Medical Point) centre. It is supervised by Sibana Mauka, a peer villager. AMP keeps a stock of the normal OTC medicines like paracetamol, pain killers, ORS etc.
Given the remoteness, people tend to ignore symptoms and neglect their health. AMP presence was therefore initiated to encourage people to actively take help from the nearest PHC, Asha Worker or Hospital as well. The protocol to attend to the needs were provided by Asha Kiran Hospital and the norm is strictly followed.
Asu visited the centre on 10th June at 9.30 AM. Sibana, our volunteer registered his name and his details by asking his history in the patient register. He also checked his temperature by the contact-less thermometer which showed 100.5 F. So, he gave 2 paracetamol tablets and advised how to take it and to visit the AMP centre next day. He was asked to use Mask at home, given the Covid threat.
The next day he visited the AMP centre and thanked volunteer Sibana. He said that, had he not got the medicine, he would have rested and slept at home for more days without doing his farm work. The other option would be go to Narayanpatna and spend a minimum Rs. 100/- . “Now I am treated freely and very soon I will be back to my field – it means much to us”